25 Things You Reminisce About From The Past 25 Years
The year was 1998 and if you’re a millennial then you were in the happiest days of your life: childhood. You remember right? When it seemed like the passing of the year took 14 months. You lived for the Summer and dreaded the Fall. Going outside to play seemed like the biggest privilege in the World. We helped helm the online social craze that is today, lived through the War on Terror, and voted for the first time in our lives for a Black U.S. President. Now, we’re almost checking the 40+ box on forms, we’re survivors of a global pandemic, and now facing the possibility of more World Wars and another financial crisis, reimagining our childhoods is good for our mental health. These memories are sure to make you smile again. It is very hard to find a Disney movie that you do not like. Whether it be the cartoon-friendly images of the Lion King or the 3D new-age Pixar characters of Woody and Buzz Lightyear, there is bound to be a Disney animated movie that you love. Goosebump books lined y...